Sunday… “Linguistic Diversity in Spain” Workshop and Discussion by Renowned Poets at Instituto Cervantes in Cairo





Instituto Cervantes in Cairo, the Spanish cultural center, is set to host a distinguished literary event on Sunday, February 2nd, with renowned poets Yolanda Castaño and Miguel Rodríguez Monteavaro. This event will encompass a discussion and workshop aimed at exploring the cultural and linguistic diversity of Spain through the lens of poetry.

The event will be conducted in Spanish, with simultaneous translation into Arabic. It is open to the public, and admission is complimentary, available on a first-come, first-served basis.

This event is part of Instituto Cervantes’ ongoing initiative to highlight the cultural ties between Egypt and Spanish-speaking countries, fostering cultural exchange and mutual understanding between communities.

اشترك فى النشرة البريدية لتحصل على اهم الاخبار بمجرد نشرها

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